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2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)

Decorative shape at the bottom of the section

Keyboard-only users must be able to navigate to and from all parts of a website. No mouse should be necessary to move away from any element of a website.

What you need to know

  • This success criterion is an extension of the previous 2.1.1 on keyboard accessibility. Here, we’re not only concerned with full access, but the ability to withdraw from all elements.

What you need to do

  • Test any pop-ups, forms, embeds, or widgets on your website to make sure that users can back out of them with ease.
  • Unplug your mouse and make sure you can get navigate both forwards and backwards from every element and section of a website.


Read the full explanation of success criterion 2.1.2 on

Related Resource

Check out “Ensuring that users are not trapped in content” from W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative for more information about this success criterion.