Make suggestions on how to fix form errors if an input error is automatically detected.
What you need to know
- Success criterion 3.3.3 is an extension of 3.3.1.
- 3.3.1 requires notification of errors, while 3.3.3 takes it a step further by requiring suggestions and instructions to help users correct those errors.
- The key takeaway is to be thorough in helping users fix input errors.
What you need to do
- Provide clear, specific instructions on how to fix input errors.
- Make it easy to correct form fields.
- Preserve other form data so the entire form doesn’t have to be filled out again.
Read the full explanation of success criterion 3.3.3 on
Related Resource
Check out “Web Accessibility Criteria – User Errors” from CSUN’s Universal Design Center for more information about this success criterion.