1.2.4 Captions – Live (Level A)
For all live video broadcasts real-time closed captions that identify speakers and include relevant sounds in the environment need to be provided.
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative – Prerecorded (Level A)
For all prerecorded video files there must be either an audio description or a full text description.
1.2.2 Captions – Prerecorded (Level A)
For all prerecorded video files there must be synchronized and accurate closed captions (CC).
1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)
Make sure images and other non-text elements on your website are accessible by including meaningful text alternatives (alt text).
WCAG 101: Understanding the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
This guide offers an overview of WCAG and its success criteria that, when followed by website designers, developers and content authors, can remove many of the barriers that people with disabilities face when navigating a website or other digital asset.